Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Baby Boy is One!!!!

I cannot believe the day has come, our little boy is a big one year old! It is amazing at how much development takes place the first year of life.To go from an innocent little thing to a wild monster! ha!

Some facts about Ryan at One....

-Loves to pet his "puppy".
-Chases around his puppy, cracking up the whole time!
-His favorite foods are apple sauce, goldfish crackers, hummus, and dried snap peas.
-Eats, or at least tries, anything I give to him.
-Dances on cue to any song or just when we say "Ryan, dance!"
-Can walk holding on or pushing stuff, when holding one of our hands, and took his first solo steps the day before his birthday.
-Loves to gives hugs and kisses.
-Says "Mama", "Dada", "Nana", "dog" and some other words that we can't quite make out yet!
-Still wears 6 month clothes (although they are getting a little hard to pull over his GIANT noggin).
-Loves Monkeys.
-Waves to any and everyone that says "hi", "bye", or just looks in his general direction!
-Is CONSTANTLY making the motorboat noise with his lips, and is pretty darn good at it.
-Shakes his head "no" and smiles every time I say "no" or "Ryyyyyyyan".
-Loves playing with all of his big boy toys and can entertain himself for hours doing so.
-His favorite cartoons are Franklin and the Wonder Pets.
-He is still constantly teething.
-Flirts with all of the ladies at the gym and they eat it up with a spoon.
-Knows where to point when I ask him where is my eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and head.
-Still cracks up at peek-a-boo.
-Loves to play patty cake...and after I take his hands and clap them, he takes mine and claps mine.
-Always pulls off his socks and shoes.
-Has learned to climb out of his crib and open all of the doors (yea, scary!)
-Gets so excited when his daddy comes home from work!
-Always offers us bites of whatever he is eating.
-Makes a smacking sound with his lips, because his dad taught him how!
-Is starting to throw fits when we take away a toy or his cup.

His official stats from his one year check up today:

Length: 32.25 inches 97%
Head: 97%
Weight: 21 lbs 25%

Still a skinny little lolly pop with a big head!

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