So, I have been a terrible blogger lately, I know, I know! School has been consuming the free time I have to spend on the computer but NO EXCUSES, Ryan's fans want an update! :)
The little man has been growing like a weed lately, he is so tall and skinny, it's crazy. I am looking forward to his 12 month check up to get all of his "official" stats. He is pretty much no longer interested in baby food and eats all "real" food now. So far he has not been too picky but I am going to go ahead and put it out there that goldfish crackers and applesauce are his favorites! He is still a little teething machine, although we did have a break for about a month. Boy, was that nice, ha! As of now he has four top teeth, two bottom, and is working on the other bottom two as we speak. He can now open all of the doors in the house and is OBSESSED with trying to get into the bathroom. He NEVER stops moving for a second, he is such a busy, nosey, curious, active little guy. Since the weather has been cooler we have been going on a lot of walks to play at the park. I would have swore that he would have been walking by now since he started "furniture cruising" so early, but he is just not quite ready. He pushes his walker, truck, and chairs all over the place and will walk when I hold one of his hands, but he still prefers to crawl. I'm not complaining though, he can take all the time in world to start walking! I can't believe I am about to have a one year-old!?!?! What a year it has been, loving this little tiny man so much. Here are some recent pictures......